Each item here has a more detailed breakdown contained therein. The goal Is to cover every dimension of your app, website or product - from key areas to how we craft code and design.
- Substantial improvement denotes an area of focus for the team. While we won’t go from 0-5 in most cases, or even up 1 full notch, we should expect to revisit the maturity notch feel like we’ve made progress.
- Incremental improvement denotes an area with low hanging fruit, or something we can at least measure for further improvement in later quarters. We’re not focusing our efforts here, but there are quick wins.
- No change is just that. We should expect this area to lag behind. We’re comfortable accruing some technical, systems or business debt for the moment.
- Regression is worse than no change - it’ll actually get worse. This might be okay if we’re focusing on other areas, or it may be something we need to discuss.